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L'uomo che voleva essere felice (1)

Laurent Gounelle

Genere: Spiritualità,

Editore: Sperling & Kupfer

Anno: 2009

Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Legatura in pelle

Pagine: 181 Pagine

Isbn 10: 8820046954

Isbn 13: 9788820046958


At the end of a holiday in Bali, Julian, an unhappy schoolteacher decides to meet a renowned local healer, Samtyang. Through daily sessions at the wise man's house, he begins to identify the source of his unhappiness as a series of simple questions and answers point to his own limiting beliefs and fears. Day after day, their dialogue is punctuated by live examples and challenges Julian is asked to experience on the island's mainland and its surroundings.

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