Tempo di lettura stimato:
9h 36m

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Fiabe irlandesi (0)

James Stephens

Genere: Fiabe, Classici

Editore: Grandi classici

Anno: 2017

Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Brossura

Pagine: 288 Pagine

Isbn 10: 8817096202

Isbn 13: 9788817096201


1 Cuan Mac Cairill recounts his part settling Eire to priest who wants to convert him
2 Boyhood of Fionn
3 The Birth of Bran
4 Oisi'n's Mother
5 The Wooing of Becfolla
6 The Brawl at Allen
7 The Carl of the Drab Coat
8 The Enchanted Cave of Cesh Corran
9 Becuma of the White Skin
10 Mongan's Frenzy

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