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Uno spicchio di tenebra (The Dark is Rising, #2) (0)

Susan Cooper

Genere: Fantasy,

Editore: Mondadori

Anno: 1997

Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Non inserito

Pagine: 216 Pagine

Isbn 10: 8804437502

Isbn 13: 9788804437505


"When the Dark comes rising, six shall turn it back, three from the circle, three from the track; wood, bronze, iron; water, fire, stone; five will return, and one go alone.”

With these mysterious words, Will Stanton discovers on his 11th birthday that he is no mere boy. He is the Sign-Seeker, last of the immortal Old Ones, destined to battle the powers of evil that trouble the land. His task is monumental: he must find and guard the six great Signs of the Light, which, when joined, will create a force strong enough to match and perhaps overcome that of the Dark. Embarking on this endeavor is dangerous as well as deeply rewarding; Will must work within a continuum of time and space much broader than he ever imagined.

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