Tempo di lettura stimato:
5h 20m
Genere: -,
Editore: Newton Compton
Lingua: Italiano
Rilegatura: Flessibile
Pagine: 160 Pagine
Isbn 10: 8879838172
Isbn 13: 9788879838177
Dr Fromm considers The Heart of Man a counterpart to The Art of Loving. The present volume reveals the other face of Janus, however, as he's concerned here essentially with the nature of evil--& by the converse of its definition, good--& the human capacity for it. He equates evil with tendencies toward death, the regression to the prehuman mass against the good of progressing toward life & true humanness. He sees necrophilia, extreme narcissism & incestuous symbiosis as the "syndrome of decay." Persons are free to choose between evil & good, but previous choices have effects: the more choices made against life, the harder it is to avoid a hardened heart, to turn back. Yet this is almost always possible. In a social context, he observes the influence of a Hitler or Stalin & analyzes their appeal. More clinical than The Art of Loving, this will mainly be of interest in terms of its religious-phychological equation. It appears as the 12th volume in the Religious Perspectives series.--Kirkus (edited)
Religious Perspectives--Ruth Nanda Anshen
Man--Wolf or Sheep?
Different Forms of Violence
Love of Death & Love of Life
Individual & Social Narcissism
Incestuous Ties
Freedom, Determinism, Alternativism
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