Tempo di lettura stimato:
6h 48m

1 utente lo scambia |

L'arte di ascoltare (1)

Erich Fromm

Genere: Psicologia,

Editore: Mondadori

Anno: 1996

Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Non inserito

Pagine: 204 Pagine

Isbn 10: 8804413034

Isbn 13: 9788804413035


Though generally thought of as a brilliant social commentator, Fromm was first a great psychoanalyst. These posthumous writings combine two aspects of Fromm's thinking, building on Freudian theory and also modifying it with a unique humanist view. For Fromm, the essence of psychological health involves communication between the irrational and rational parts of the personality. The art of therapy is the art of listening.

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