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Vita di Siddhartha il Buddha: narrata e ricostruita in base ai testi canonici pali e cinesi (0)

Thich Nhat Hanh

Genere: Filosofia,

Editore: Astrolabio Ubaldini

Anno: 1992

Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Brossura

Pagine: 424 Pagine

Isbn 10: 8834010760

Isbn 13: 9788834010761


'The Buddha was the source. Venerable Svasti and the young buffalo boys were rivers that flowed from the source. Wherever the rivers flowed, the Buddha would be there.'

In Old Path White Clouds, scholar, poet and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh retells the story of the Buddha in his own

inimitably beautiful style. He draws upon Pali, Sanskrit and Chinese sources to trace the Buddha's life slowly and gently through the course of eighty years. Seen partly through the eyes of the Buddha himself and partly through those of Svasti, the buffalo boy, Old Path White Clouds brings the Buddha closer to us as we journey with him on his path to enlightenment and nirvana.

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