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Unravel Me (edizione inglese) (5)

Shatter Me, #2

Tahereh Mafi

Genere: Adolescenti, Distopia, Young Adults

Editore: Rizzoli

Anno: 2016

Lingua: Inglese

Rilegatura: Flessibile

Pagine: 540 Pagine


Juliette has escaped to Omega Point. It is a place for people like her—people with gifts—and it is also the headquarters of the rebel resistance. She's finally free from The Reestablishment, free from their plan to use her as a weapon, and free to love Adam. But Juliette will never be free from her lethal touch. Or from Warner, who wants Juliette more than she ever thought possible. In this exhilarating sequel to Shatter Me, Juliette has to make life-changing decisions between what she wants and what she thinks is right. Decisions that might involve choosing between her heart—and Adam's life.

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Lo amo. Amo Warner. Amo la storia. Altro da aggiungere? si, leggetelo!