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Papà Gambalunga (1)

Jean Webster

Genere: Classici,


Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Flessibile

Isbn 10: 8895437918

Isbn 13: 9788895437910


When Jerusha Abbott, an eighteen-year-old girl living in an orphan asylum, was told that a mysterious millionaire had agreed to pay for her education, it was like a dream come true. For the first time in her life, she had someone she could pretend was "family." But everything was not perfect, for he chose to remain anonymous and asked that she only write him concerning her progress in school. Who was this mysterious gentleman and would Jerusha ever meet him?

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Recensito il 21/08/2023

Adoro questo classico della letteratura per ragazzi, è romantico e appassionante, inoltre mi sembra che tratti con un linguaggio adatto e diretto anche temi importanti come classi sociali e condizione femminile. È nel mio cuore!