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Orso ha una storia da raccontare (1)

Philip C. Stead

Genere: Fiabe,

Editore: Babalibri

Anno: 2013

Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Rilegato

Pagine: 32 Pagine

Isbn 10: 8883622987

Isbn 13: 9788883622984


It was almost winter and Bear was getting sleepy.
But first, Bear had a story to tell...

Bear found his friend Mouse, but Mouse was busy gathering seeds and didn't have time to listen to a story. Then Bear saw his friend Duck, but Duck was getting ready to fly south. What about his friend Toad? He was busy looking for a warm place to sleep. By the time Bear was through helping his friends get ready for winter, would anyone still be awake to hear his story?

This endearing story of friendship and patience is a worthy companion to Philip and Erin Stead's last collaboration, A Sick Day for Amos McGee, winner of the 2011 Caldecott Medal.

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una bella fiaba della buonanotte.