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On self-hatred (1)

Learning to like oneself

Alain de Botton

Editore: Independently published

Anno: 2022

Lingua: Inglese

Rilegatura: Rigida

Pagine: 137 Pagine

Isbn 10: 1912891875

Isbn 13: 9781912891870


Behind many of our problems lies an often ignored factor: we don’t like ourselves very much. We are sufferers of self-hatred. We tell ourselves the meanest things. It’s because of self-hatred that we tend to neglect our potential at work and get entangled in unfulfilling relationships, that we lack confidence in our social lives and suffer from anxiety, despair and imposter syndrome.

This is a book that, with immense compassion and fellow feeling, investigates the phenomenon of self-hatred while giving pragmatic advice on how to overcome it. It asks where the feeling comes from, what it makes us do and how we might become kinder and more compassionate towards ourselves.

We have probably spent far too much of our lives disliking ourselves and attacking everything we say, do or feel, while not even realizing what we’re up to. It’s time to overcome our masochism and move towards a more self-forgiving and accepting stance. The School of Life: On Self Hatredis a guide to the more compassionate and gentle relationship we should have had with ourselves from the start, and can all achieve now.

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