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Genere: Fumetti, Graphic novels

Editore: Black Velvet

Anno: 2006

Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Flessibile

Pagine: 64 Pagine

Isbn 10: 8887827478

Isbn 13: 9788887827477


Norwegian cartoonist Jason's latest graphic novel (his fifth to be released by Fantagraphics) chronicles one of the oldest love triangles in the world: Mad scientist creates monster, mad scientist creates woman for monster, mad scientist...falls in love with the woman he created for the monster Working with some classic pop-culture icons, Jason tells a witty and unique story about love, obsession, and betrayal, alternating his trademark pantomime sequences (as the three lovebirds circle each other) with pages of dialogue (as the mad scientist's hunchbacked assistant, during his regular lunches with a fellow hunchbacked mad scientist's assistant, describes and comments on the ongoing events, while pining for a nice quiet retirement or maybe just a better job). Can't Get There From Here is presented in the same elegant format as Jason's previous popular graphic novel The Iron Wagon, a two-color process (black and grayish blue) on tinted paper with an uncoated cover stock printed in three simple colors, complete with flaps.

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Ma, con un "imprevedibile" colpo di scena, sarà il dottore stesso che si innamorerà della "sposa", con conseguenze inaspettate. Vi suona familiare? Beh, non è proprio così! Perché la classica storia dai toni gotici del dottor Frankenstein, e della sua creatura, nelle mani del norvegese Jason acquista nuova vita e un taglio molto bizzarro e particolare. Tutti gli elementi fantastici vengono tralasciati a favore di quelli che si possono identificare nella solitudine, la gelosia, nella ricerca disperata della propria anima gemella...