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La scoperta dell'ombra: da Platone a Galileo la storia di un enigma che ha affascinato le grandi menti dell'umanità  (0)

Roberto Casati

Genere: Filosofia,

Editore: Mondadori

Anno: 1999

Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Non inserito

Pagine: 278 Pagine

Isbn 10: 8804459034

Isbn 13: 9788804459033


In this original, wide-ranging, and endlessly thought-provoking work of popular nonfiction, a leading science writer uncovers the pervasive presence of shadows in our world.<br /><br />For Plato, shadows were the symbol of our limitations. For Galileo, they knocked the Earth from the center of the cosmos. They are a source of fear and a symbol of ignorance, and they loom large in art and design, mythology and folklore, physics and metaphysics, and architecture and urban planning. From shadows puppets and the psychology of shadows to the role of shadows in astronomy and the influence of shadows on the architectural profiles of our cities, Roberto Casati awakens our fascination in this tour-de-force of investigation and imagination.

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