Tempo di lettura stimato:
11h 44m

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Reader's Digest Association

Genere: Sport,

Editore: Selezione dal Reader's Digest

Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Rigida

Pagine: 352 Pagine

Isbn 10: 8870450902

Isbn 13: 9788870450903


A guide to fitness that is comprehensive in treatment and overflowing with diagrams, charts, and pictures. Beginning with a series of fitness tests and questionnaires, the book goes on to give readers practical hints and discussions that cover diet and nutrition. Sample menus and calorie charts combine with a discussion of metabolism and eating habits. Other discussions include targeting fitness goals, rating a health club, varying kinds of exercise, and preventing injuries. The last half of the book covers sexuality from puberty to advanced age, contraception, pregnancy and birth, coping with stress, and "treatments and therapies'' such as massage, herbalism, meditation, and biofeedback. The index makes the book accessible for reports as well as for self-improvement and ready reference.

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