Tempo di lettura stimato:
4h 42m

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Ancora una notte (Philip Marlowe, #7) (0)

Raymond Chandler

Genere: Noir,

Editore: Feltrinelli

Anno: 2012

Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Brossura

Pagine: 141 Pagine

Isbn 10: 8807880954

Isbn 13: 9788807880957


"There was nothing to it...the subject was as easy to spot as a kangaroo in a dinner jacket.'

And with that Philip Marlowe is off on the tail of a girl who makes all the rest look like pick-ups.

Once aboard the train San Diego you travel fast with Philip Marlowe, into situations your senses half expected, up against characters you'd rather not encounter, wise-cracking in the face of piano-wire tension. There's the parrot that sneers and the body that disappears...and all the time you're piecing the evidence together.

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