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17h 36m

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Air. La storia di Michael Jordan (1)

David Halberstam

Genere: Sport,

Editore: Magazzini Salani

Anno: 2020

Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Brossura

Pagine: 528 Pagine

Isbn 10: 8893679175

Isbn 13: 9788893679176


A revealing portrait of a once-in-a-generation athlete and global icon
One of sport's biggest superstars, Michael Jordan is more than an internationally renowned athlete. As illuminated through David Halberstam's trademark balance of impeccable research and fascinating storytelling, Jordan symbolizes the apex of the National Basketball Association's coming of age. Long before multimillion-dollar signings and lucrative endorsements, NBA players worked in relative obscurity, with most games woefully unattended and rarely broadcast on television. Then came Larry Bird and Magic Johnson, Jordan's two great predecessors, and the game's status changed. The new era capitalized on Jordan's talent, will power, and unrivaled competiveness. In "Playing for Keeps," Halberstam is at his investigative best, delving into Jordan's expansive world of teammates and coaches. The result is a gripping story of the athlete and media powerhouse who changed a game forever. This ebook features an extended biography of David Halberstam.

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