Tempo di lettura stimato:
9h 46m

2 utenti lo scambiano | 1 utente lo vende |

A room with a view (2)

E.M. Forster

Genere: Scolastici,

Editore: Black Cat - Cideb

Anno: 2008

Lingua: Inglese

Rilegatura: Flessibile

Pagine: 293 Pagine

Isbn 10: 8877541245

Isbn 13: 9788877541246


This apparently light-hearted novel is written in the tradition on of social comedy started by Jane Austen. The central theme lies in the gradual awakening of Lucy Honeychurch and her eventual liberation from the constraints of upper-middle class society, its hypocrisy and obsession for respectability, a liberation in which love and honesty, in the end, triumph over social conventions.

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