Tempo di lettura stimato:
6h 40m

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Poésies: Une saison en enfer ; Illuminations ; Oeuvres diverses (0)

Arthur Rimbaud

Genere: Classici, Poesia

Editore: Presses Pocket

Anno: 1984

Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Non inserito

Pagine: 200 Pagine

Isbn 10: 2266010689

Isbn 13: 9788817124768


Written by Rimbaud at the age of 18 in the wake of his tempestuous affair with fellow poet Paul Verlaine, "A Season in Hell" has been a touchstone for anguished poets, artists, and lovers for more than a century. This stunning volume presents Rimbaud's poem in the original French and in English translation. Each of the poem's eight sections if accompanied by a dazzling Mapplethorpe photograph that brilliantly complements the work's shifting moods .

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