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L'antro delle streghe (2)

Silver Ravenwolf

Genere: Adolescenti,

Editore: Armenia

Anno: 2003

Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Non inserito

Pagine: 221 Pagine

Isbn 10: 8834415590

Isbn 13: 9788834415597


Here is the first in a new series of spellbinders written specifically for teens. Bethany Salem is a pretty normal 16-year old, except for one thing ... she's a Witch! When her boyfriend Joe dies in a mysterious car accident, she vows to find his killer. But when she calls on the magickal Hounds of the Wild Hunt to catch the murderer, the members of the Witches' Night Out coven get more than they bargained for. Will they catch Joe's killer in time, or will the killer catch them?

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