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11h 42m

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La guerra civile - De bello civili (1)

Gaio Giulio Cesare

Editore: Mondadori

Anno: 1991

Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Non inserito

Pagine: 351 Pagine

Isbn 10: 8804355034

Isbn 13: 9788804355038


Testo latino a fronte.<br /><br />A military leader of legendary genius, Caesar was also a great writer, recording the events of his life with incomparable immediacy and power <i>The Civil War</i> is a tense and gripping depiction of his struggle with Pompey over the leadership of Republican Rome - a conflict that spanned the entire Roman world, from Gaul and Spain to Asia and Africa. Where Caesar's own account leaves off in 48 BC, his lieutenants take up the history, describing the vital battles of Munda, Spain and Thapsus, and the installation of Cleopatra, later Caesar's mistress, as Queen of Egypt. Together these narratives paint a full picture of the events that brought Caesar supreme power - and paved the way for his assassination only months later.

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