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5h 20m

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Il volto del terrore (1)

Edgar Wallace

Genere: Gialli,

Editore: Newton Compton

Anno: 1996

Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Non inserito

Pagine: 160 Pagine

Isbn 10: 888183619X

Isbn 13: 9788881836192


Jessie Dame calls Major Amery “The Sinister Man.” Secretary Ella Marlowe is the ward of Maurice Tarn, who has drunkenly but seriously proposed. Tarn is going abroad and desires the company of someone he can trust. Though sworn to secrecy, the horrified Ella confesses everything to Ralph Hallam. Looking pale and unkempt, Maurice arrives at the office to apologize to Major Amery for losing his temper. They talk: the Stanford Corporation is mentioned, along with drugs and gangs.

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