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Il testamento del Milionario (2)

Mark Fisher

Genere: -,

Editore: Bompiani

Anno: 2003

Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Brossura

Pagine: 153 Pagine

Isbn 10: 8845255158

Isbn 13: 9788845255151


In this inspirational story, follow a down-on-his-luck golf pro whose chance encounter with a mysterious multimillionaire changes his game—and his life—forever. Using golf as a metaphor for life, the millionaire teaches the golfer important keys to success such as how to:

• Overcome self-doubt and fear
• Visualize desired outcomes
• Conquer negative thoughts
• Break patterns of failure
• Knock down mental barriers
• Give unselfishly

Like the golfer, you too will discover how the lessons in this book can be put into immediate practice—on the golf course, in business, and in every part of your life. Triumph over your self-imposed limitations and start fresh down a road of new opportunities. Let The Golfer and the Millionaire be your guide.

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