Tempo di lettura stimato:
14h 2m

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Il Libro delle Anime (Will Piper, #2) (2)

Glenn Cooper

Genere: Fantasy,

Editore: TEA

Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Rigida

Pagine: 421 Pagine


The Library: Only a handful know it exists . . . It holds the world's most astonishing—and terrifying—information . . . But the one book that is the key to the greatest secret of all time . . . is missing.<br /><br />Former FBI Special Agent Will Piper solved—and survived—the "Doomsday Killer" case . . . and his reward was a forced early retirement. But the shattering truths he learned about the government's most covert operations won't let him rest—and now he's on the trail of a mysterious volume that's been lost for six centuries. This is the book that inspired Shakespeare and the prophecies of Nostradamus, and once Will gets his hands on it, his life will be worth nothing—his death sentence a top priority handed down from the very highest levels of power.<br /><br />Because there are some truths too dangerous for anyone to know—those that concern the future, world domination . . . and the end of everything.

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Recensito il 28/09/2022

Bel libro, scorrevole e con piacevoli colpi di scena!