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Does God play dice? (1)

The new mathematics of chaos

Ian Stewart

Editore: Penguin Books

Anno: 1990

Lingua: Inglese

Rilegatura: Flessibile

Pagine: 317 Pagine

Isbn 13: 9780140125016


The great eighteenth-century scientists thought they had discovered the immutable laws of a universe that runs like clockwork, but they were quite wrong...

From the tiniest particles in quantum physics to the gaps in the asteroid belt - not to mention dripping taps, bouncing billiard balls, the weather and the Stock Exchange - nothing in the universe ever behaves in a way that is totally predictable. But if the real world is so random, what use are the simplified lines, spheres and circles of traditional mathematics? Frankly, says Ian Stewart, not much. To cope with a chaotic world, pioneering mathematicians have developed chaos theory, one of the most extraordinary - and mind-bending - breakthroughs in recent years. Its basic principles and many practical applications are made accessible in this stimulating new book.

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