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Carry On, Warrior: The Power of Embracing Your Messy, Beautiful Life (3)

Glennon Doyle Melton

Genere: Autobiografici,

Editore: Scribner

Anno: 2014

Lingua: Inglese

Rilegatura: Flessibile

Pagine: 320 Pagine

Isbn 10: 1451698224

Isbn 13: 9781451698220


Anne Lamott meets Elizabeth Gilbert in this inspirational, side-splittingly funny exploration of the power of living with love, forgiveness, and honesty.Glennon Melton became a sensation when her personal essays started going viral. Giving language to our universal (yet often secret) experiences, her hilarious and poignant observations were read by millions, shared among friends, discussed at water coolers, quoted in The New York Times, and have inspired a social movement.

Melton’s mistakes and triumphs, recounted with candor and humor, will encourage you to forgive yourself for your own imperfections and inspire you to make the most of life’s gifts. On the pages of Carry On, Warrior, Melton shares her journey from reckless college girl hooked on alcohol, drugs, bulimia, and toxic relationships to becoming a sober and devoted wife, mother, daughter, sister and teacher. Her stories embody her need to tell and hear the truth, to be sometimes brave and sometimes silent, to say I’m sorry, to trust in something more powerful than herself, and to stop making motherhood, marriage, and friendship harder by pretending they’re not hard.

Melton believes that by shedding our weapons and armor, we can stop hiding, competing, striving for the mirage of perfection, and ultimately build a better life in our hearts, homes, and communities. In this one woman trying love herself and others, readers will find a wise and witty friend who will embolden them to cut themselves a break and commit to small acts of love that can have an extraordinary impact.

Like Geneen Roth, Glennon reminds us that the journey is the reward and teaches us how to be our best selves. Like Ann Voskamp, she shows us that even doubt-filled faith changes everything. Carry On, Warrior is powerful, fresh, and life-changing.

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Di cosa si tratta. È una raccolta di mini saggi autobiografici riguardo a tutti quegli argomenti che se sei un essere umano riguardano anche te (amore, dolore, rapporto genitori-figli, creatività, dipendenze, spiritualità, etc).

Qual è la caratteristica principale di Glennon? Una brutale, sfacciata, coraggiosissima onestà. Quel tipo di onestà che ti fa pensare «OMMIODDIO NON RIESCO A CREDERE CHE L’ABBIA RACCONTATO PUBBLICAMENTE», e subito dopo «Succede anche a me!/Lo penso anch’io! Ma allora non sono l’unica/sola!» e vorresti tanto averla davanti per abbracciarla e ringraziarla della sua sfacciata sincerità.

ATTENZIONE: leggerlo in pubblico potrebbe rivelarsi imbarazzante. Io ne ho letto metà in treno e credo di aver spaventato le persone sedute di fronte a me: alternavo lacrime e sospiri a risate sguaiate — proprio per il suo parlare onestamente della vita, passa dell’essere heart breaking all’essere spassosissimo nel tempo di voltare pagina.